Despite the dire predictions, their Union turned out to be surprisingly durable. Beckhams can be described as exemplary, but, like all his lucky star they walked through the thorns.
Today, Victoria is a recognized icon of style, talented singer and author of his own songs, popular fashion designer, socialite, and just a happy mom beautiful children. It resembles that millions of girls around the world, and in his native Britain she is a national hero.
And it is difficult to even imagine that this babe was a classic complex for a teenager. Vicki Adams were at school: she always kept aloof and special sociability was not. However, perseverance and determination, it was not to occupy. «As I can remember, I have always worked hard. She is to stand, walk, sit, get angry, to smile, to carry things and combine them. Know the status of the ugly duckling obliges - because he simply has no other choice but to become a beautiful swan,» - she says in an interview.
As soon as she turned seventeen, she entered the College Laine Theatre Arts. Vicki passionately wanted to learn to dance and the tancklasse disappeared for days. The legendary group the Spice Girls, who became super successful commercial project, Vicki, what is called «ad». At the height of its popularity, Adams had intended to devote his life exclusively to career, and the lack of a stable personal life did not excite her in any way. But Providence intervened.

The family of Beckham was revered one God and his name was «football». This was not just a passionate hobby. The parents of David, devoted fans club
Manchester United, with diapers pulled son in all the matches of this team. And, as life is not in vain. Young Beckham's football career began at the age of 17 years after the signing of the contract with Manchester United. And then came the dizzying rise. At a charity football match of Victoria led Melanie Chisholm. At the time, David is as versed in popular music, as far as the Vicki in football. It surprised him that asked for an autograph. And he captured her parents, wash the dishes after the first joint lunch. Later,
David Beckham will say, «my wife picked me out of football for stickers. In turn, I chose the «on television». It was immediately clear that we are just made for each other!»
After a year of dating they announced their engagement in July 1999, there was a wedding. By that time they had already released the first-born son Brooklyn. At the same time, Beckhams purchased their first home with a light hand, journalists received the name «Beckingham Palace». There was a huge estate in seven and a half million pounds.
Fortunately, Victoria and David envied by many. Each step, from a hike to a romantic dinner, followed by hundreds of paparazzi. But the couple did not pay it any attention, and the world around us as if they didn't exist at all. In 2002, in a cosy nest Beckhams was born the second son, Romeo James. However, fate has prepared them to test.

A year after the birth of the second child, David, signed a contract with the Club for
Real Madrid and moved to Spain. The family remained in England. Soon in the yellow press presented provocative pictures of Beckham with his personal assistant Rebecca Loos. At first the girl helped him learn the language and find the location, but then the paparazzi increasingly began to notice them not only at business meetings, but also in restaurants for quite a formal dinners. News began to appear in newspapers on David. The British media called it the largest family tragedy since Princess Diana. Newspapers were plastered with headlines one worse than the other: «the end of a perfect Union, whom David gave up the Vicki?».

The world was waiting for the reaction of the betrayed wife. It seemed that their relationship will not save nothing. But no such luck. After collecting all his will in a fist and not commenting on what is happening, the ex-Peppercorn quickly gathered things, has two sons and went to Madrid to be near her husband. Later it will say: «not going to lie, it's been very hard times that have had an impact on our entire family. But I've come to realize that everything has a price, and people too. The couple has managed to survive the crisis. And soon the light comes up their third joint child - Cruz. «He's charming and a healthy baby! He inherited it from her mother's lips and nose!» - said the proud father.
A couple once again began to notice the secular events together, and from the face of Victoria we never smile. The prodigal husband with new force imbued with love for its beauty-wife and led her to the altar. After another marriage ceremony «newlyweds» made two pair of tattoos with a memorable date for second weddings, and the line «anew».