
Arsene Wenger: "It is time to stop being conservative and start using video replay"

The head coach of Arsenal Arsene Wenger expressed his opinion about the feasibility of using video replays. 
"I think it's time the football authorities to the negotiating table and discuss how we can improve the game. It's time to help the judges. It's time to stop being so conservative and start using video replay. Video replay judges only help reduce errors. When a player receives the ball on the edge of offside, the arbitrators are often a desire to stop the game. If the judge knows that he has video support, it will finish before the end of the episode, and then check your solution. Yes, football - the number one sport in the world. But we must recognize that we have a very conservative approach to the game - this is not in any sport. Judges' decisions - one of the weaknesses of modern football"- quoted Wenger official website of Arsenal.

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