

Platini: I would like that the report of Garcia to be published fully

Platini: I would like that the report of Garcia to be published fully
UEFA’s President Michel Platini said that he considered it was necessary to publish a report of the Ethics Committee Member FIFA Michael Garcia, who was investigating the circumstances obtaining Russia and Qatar the right to host the World Cup in 2018 and 2022.
“With regard to the investigation of FIFA, I would like that the report of Garcia to be published fully, but with the norms of the Ethics Committee. And there is no doubt that if there is any violation, it is necessary to hold a second vote” - said Platini.
As a reminder the ethics committee of FIFA withdrew Russia and Qatar suspicions of corruption in the voting for the host country of the World Cup 2018 and 2022, but Michael Garcia said that the information from his report was interpreted incorrectly.

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