

Mourinho: Don't call me «Special one», and «Only one»

Mourinho: Don't call me Special one, and only one
Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho said that henceforth it should be called not special (the Special One), but only (the Only One). Portuguese specialist is referring to the fact that he is the only coach to win three of the strongest European Championship.
Earlier, he became the champion of Spain (Real Madrid), Italy (twice with Inter) and England (twice with Chelsea). In addition, together with Porto he won the national championship of Portugal.
«Love me or not, but am I the only one who won three major championships in the world. So perhaps people should call me not Special one, and Only one» - said Mourinho.
Recall that Special One Mourinho was called by the British press in 2004, when the coach moved from FC Porto to Chelsea. Then he seemed to many overly ambitious man. Now Mourinho admits that became less selfish.
«Thank God cause I go well. Now I am much more focused on other things. Against inter it was nice to win, because before that the Club had not won 50 years. This, rather than individual goals is for me a real satisfaction,» - said Mourinho.

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