

Capello: My coach creed-game defensively? This is a huge misconception

Fabio Capello did not agree with the common view that he is a supporter of a purely defensive football
New coach of Russia  Fabio Capello did not agree with the common view that he is a supporter of a purely defensive football. 
«This is a huge misconception that truly widespread, especially after defeating Real Madrid in Spain, when we won a lot of games with a score of 1:0. But so can only think people do not understand in the process, and analyze only the result. My teams have always played with a large number of attackers is in the same Real Madrid on the field constantly together, Suker and Mijatovic were Raul. Plus more Seedorf. The main thing for me is not the action of a line, and the balanced team games in General. 
Naturally, the defense needs to be reliable, but that does not mean that all actions are based on it. You, the journalists, the great Wizard, paste shortcut that then coach impossible once. This is just such a case. By the way, similar opinion are all Italian teams. If someone else is playing safe, say: "Yes, it's perfectly orchestrated game if the Italians - well, it's clear they are great masters of catenaccio,» - said Capello.

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