

Di Maria searched in Internet info about 11th number of PSG

Di Maria searched in Internet info about 11th number of PSG
Argentine midfielder and PSG’s Angel Di Maria said that he could go to the Paris Club even last summer, and was also interested whether he could take the 11th number in the new team.
“Last year I almost signed a contract with PSG. Last year I was searching in the Internet, whether the place of the player under 11th number is free or not. Finally, this year I moved to the PSG, and I was given this number, and I am very happy.
Why number 11? This is an important number for me because I wore this number in Beijing during the Olympic Games, where I scored in final and we won the gold medal. This is the number, which brings me luck, and I hope that this will happen in future. Many great players wore the 11th number,” - said Di Maria.

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