

Big Love: Andriy Shevchenko and Kristen Pazik

Big Love: Andriy Shevchenko and Kristen Pazik
Now the fate of the pair followed the whole Ukraine! How the life of Andriy Shevchenko in Kiev? His family will be happy and enjoy our capital wife Sheva – Kristen Pazik, because she so wanted to live in London! Today the GoloFootball remembers love story of Andriy and Kristen. 
It all started 8 years ago in Milan. Andriy and Kristen met at a mutual friend – Giorgio Armani. As has been repeatedly told it the first Marco came to Sheva and made a compliment about a good game. And a few months later, they got married July 14, 2004. So much so that no one knew! In the autumn of Shevchenko was nursed by the firstborn, is named in honor of Michael Jordan's favorite basketball player Andriy. 
After 2 years in the family has another child. Waited and wanted a girl and son. Has lived in London since 2006, Shevchenko played for Chelsea. 
Family relations in the House that Andriy Shevchenko never flaunted, overgrown with rumors. They say that it is the keyway takes all important decisions in their household. The Italian Gazzetta dello Sport wrote that the wife had played a key role in the transition from Club to Club, Andriy, and that she insisted on his move to Chelsea, as she returned to the London fashion life. 
But when the family was already living in London, Kristen said in an interview to the Italian fashion magazine Chi suddenly stated that now wants to return to Milan. “Milan our city and the place where we most want to be. It would be nice if Andriy went back and played with Ronaldo,” - said Shevchenko's wife. At around the same time, the question of who in the family, Andriy answered that all the decisions it takes and the rest - gossip. 
And now, experienced money and fame, Kristen and her husband moved to Kiev. After London, after a Milana - whether she is happy here, in spite of all her love for her husband and children? 
Before Pazik was known throughout the world for a supermodel, has received a fortune for the photos, which were often quite frank: Kristen frequently posed nude polnsot′รป. But now, how managed to learn GoloFootball devoted themselves exclusively to the family. Although most recently, it was recognized that dreams of becoming an actress to star in the movie. But no information on the success of the designs GoloFootball could not be found. 
By the way, Elena Shevchenko, Andriy's sister, commenting on the return of brother in the home Club, said that Kristen was not against the move. “What a wife would want her husband worse? Naturally, she understood that the Dynamo career Andriy will be all right. I know that brother will find own accommodation in Kiev, I agreed to help. Still, it's already 10 years not lived here.” 
Earlier model 4 years was the mistress of his son Silvio Berlusconi, owner of Milan. “I was going to return to the United States, and it was not until the new novels - could beauty. But Andriy was very nice and very proud.” 
In 2004, the municipality of Washington they humbly acknowledged. World public opinion became aware of this joyous event only a week later, as the couple kept their intentions secret. it may not want to attract the attention of the press due to the interesting situation of Kristen.

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