

Rules Of Life: Pierluigi Collina

Every match is a final. To the most important game I prepare in the same way as to any other. Special matches. If the command finds a match easy is unhappy, they are sure to lose!
Every match is a final. To the most important game I prepare in the same way as to any other. Special matches. If the command finds a match easy is unhappy, they are sure to lose! 
Training - this means the moral training. Before you judge the World Cup final between Germany and Brazil in the year 2002, I spent two days relaxing in the hotel room with his aides and the fourth member of the jury. We watched the video of the previous games in Germany and Brazil, and we had the Board where we recorded particular commands that I knew how to speak with them. It was a very careful preparation, because the World Cup is the Pinnacle for any player not only, but also for the referee. 
Correctly choose a meal and time for her. What exactly is, depends on the time of the start of the match. In Italy the games begin in 3:0 days, which is why I eat at 11.15, normally pasta with tomato sauce and a slice of cake with jam is instead of sugar. And if the match evening, I eat at 12.30 is always pasta and even sometimes fried grilled sea language. 
To better evaluate my actions to myself, not publicly. It is important for me to understand what I did right and what not, but I do not think that it is interesting to others. I commend myself to fix something, and not just empty talk. Such thing as a perfect Board does not exist. If you ask me as a financial consultant (his second profession), where you should invest your money, I'll answer the best clothes for any man is a tailor sewed clothing for its made-to-measure. 
Yes, the judges too are mistaken. But if you are sure that you have conducted training at the appropriate level, and the error still occurs, this is normal. This will only help you when you are going to judge the next match. 
Pressure is your friend. While working as an arbitrator, I realized how important it is to make decisions under pressure, in difficult moments. For many decisions fraught with stress, but if you get used to it on the playing field, it is useful to you in life. You make a decision and move on. 
No matter what. What are these and is there. I would not want to change any of the laws of the game. I am very lucky that I don't have to invent them, I only will interpret them, and that is enough. I am happy with my role. It is hard work, and the more I came to nothing. 
You cannot control the game and at the same time receive from it pleasure. The game you see fragments. Sometimes I don't have time to see who scored the goal, because looking for any small change elsewhere.
Made to think that international judges and acquire a lot of curse words in different languages, but this is incorrect. I know not too many languages and therefore don't understand what players say about me during the match. But the referee did not necessarily know foreign languages is more important that you understood correctly, it is necessary to be able to engage in dialogue. Sometimes enough just sign language. 
I don't drink coffee. Maybe I'm the one in the whole Italy. 
No need to take it to judge its enemy. It happens that two teams play for children and parents shouting at the judge, I personally do not understand this behavior. For example, the football he helps kids learn something important for all life - how to achieve results within rules and how to play on the team. 
Best referee is not the one which did not notice, but the lack of character to take a decision, even when it's very very hard. If the judge gives three penalty kicks per match, you notice. But it's still a good judge. Get away from the decision is always easier than to take it. But you have to deal with. And don't be afraid to do this. 
Even the most seasoned man must sometimes giving yourself will (in October 2002, Collina in anger left the transfer of the Italian State Football Oscars channel, smashing up his prize, one of the world's leading practical joke on his bald spot just - GoloFootball). The disease, which I lost hair, I not stupid. But this same disease affects many children and their parents might point them at me when they explain that alopecia areata is not such a problem. What I heard could not harm me, but children are another matter. I am very angry. You cannot not respect people. 
The exterior is not too much so. I got sick in 24 years, and I'm lucky because in this age of identity already has time to emerge. You'll no longer worry so as they could be, if it happened before. I've heard that look intimidating, but this does not affect what happens on the field or in other places. Your wife thinks I am sexy? Then I'm sorry for your wife. She, by chance, not needed ... correction? That is, points? I can give young judges three councils. Do not feel sorry for the force. Be courageous. And always solve.

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