
Rules Of Life: Jose Mourinho

Even Jesus was not all that much to say about me. 
There are those who rejoices after victories. I don't have time for it. 
I am always ready for battle. Although aware that I do not belong to one of the football clan who rent-map and define the rules of the game. Besides, I was not a great player so I can't count on immunity, have those coaches who have in the past, glorious career players. 
Go to my team and never will be the second. 
I went on the Real Madrid not because of the money. Me and a bit embarrassed by how much I earn during the financial crisis. To me it is important to get satisfaction from their work. In addition, earn the respect in the country where I have experienced a lot of unpleasant moments. 
I taught Italian for five hours a day for months to talk to journalists and fans. But I still blame that I treat him enough respect. And the same Ranieri after five years in England could barely say hello in English. 
I want to change the philosophy of football. Other coaches in the world. 
Chelsea - the first English team that was use the tactic4-3-3. And then it began to play Manchester United and Arsenal. That is thanks to me in England changed and tactics and training methods. 
That I definitely enjoyed in Italy - noise ill-wishers. I expressed my opinion as a free man in a free country, and immediately started the fuss. This I liked: FIFA has not started yet and I'm already I am extremely motivated. 
I want to become the first coach to have won the Champions League with three different teams. 
If I needed a simple life, I would have stayed in Porto: beautiful blue Chair, the permanent participation in the Champions League, and immediately after it is I. 
In London on the street I was approached by a man aged seventy-five, he cried. He was at Bolton, when Chelsea won the League title, and for 50 years before that, he was with his father and grandfather in the match when his team for the last time and won in the Premier League. Today, neither his father nor grandfather, of course, are no longer alive. Things like me are impressive. 
I don't need a man - wonderful person with great character. These qualities I would like to see in their children. I need someone who will send the ball into the net. 
Take a look at my haircut: I'm always ready for battle. In addition, with this haircut better visible ideas that a person in the head. 
The Mayor (Milan-GoloFootball) accused me that I wanted to give a small coin to a disabled boy. Actually, I was going to give him a cross that gave me my wife and I did not leave the last four years. Even when I'm doing something sincere, I still criticized. 
If people are talking about me, want to become more popular, they must pay extra to me. 
Relatives and friends say that I am a greyer due to constant stress. But it is not so, my father too early to grayer. But football is a joy. 
I have no problem because of Fame. I once went with his wife and children to Disneyland, when we came back, the kids asked me to stay home next time. But this is the price you pay for being in the big football. 
If I'm ahead of the game will offer the team see the movie Gladiator - as if to increase the motivation of the players, the guys will laugh at me or call the doctor. 
Asshole is one who believes that it no longer needs to progress. I am not an asshole.

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