

Big Love: Filippo Inzaghi and Alessia Ventura

The Love Story Of Filippo Inzaghi and Alessia Ventura
Filippo Inzaghi never left spectators indifferent. Some will never understand what his Majesty will criticize and expose the talent. As for their opponents is an Idol, a powerful phenomenon in everyday life that affected its progress. who is he? «Free kick King or pretender»? «PippoGoal» or «His Majesty the offside»?
From outside the penalty area and he scored. Its Habitat was a rectangle within which the goalkeeper is allowed to play with your hands. It is here that Pippo led the hunt for the ball in order to smuggle it in. Instinct, which does not teach, let him not. It felt like no other where to shift. His goals are generally not for charts, but this is the case when the number of higher quality. 
SuperPippo was patient, waiting for the time to punish the enemy for inattentiveness. He was ready to be in offside more often than other players on the field together. And all this for a single chance, which could decide the outcome of the Summit. Inzaghi could not offer the filigree technique as in the best years showed Ronaldinho. Like not personified on the Phoenix Warrior, bravely beating and every match as a decisive battle. But he's managed to add football celebration of bright colors. For this he and love. 
In March 2011, Inzaghi broke up with his girlfriend, model and TV presenter Alessia Ventura, which met for more than three years. Rumors that the initiator of parting was Alessia due to permanent Edit Player-she's just tired from constant novels on the side and decided more is not tolerated. 
Pippo and Alessia met in 2008, but from the outset, hiding their relationship. After some time the couple spoke about the novel, and in one interview, Alessia and Filippo told the woman he long sought that truly happy and even ready to start a family. As is well known, a player's career lasts a long time, so thought to completely Pippo change not only the appearance but also the family status, so much so that the number of such beauty. 
But the ex-girlfriend of Filippo, Marika Fruso said that after parting it continued to meet with the player. A half year after the break Inzaghi had already made a Alessia marriage proposal. In turn, the girl forgave Pippo, traveling with him in a romantic trip to the Balearic Islands. And that is where Inzaghi suggested that she marry him. Related couples were not easy - they converged, parted, again reconciled, swore to each other in love. And now, it seems, Filippo and Alessia goes to the wedding! 
Ventura - Italian model, dancer, television personality and socialite. The girl was born April 10, 1980-th year in the Italian city of Moncalieri. In childhood about the career of TV stars not wanted, for the first time, was wondering about her in 15 years. A year later as a dancer was Alessia on Italian TV channel «Channel 5». In 1999, she worked as an Assistant in the Alessia «Ok, il prezzo è giusto». 
The beauty immediately drew attention, and showered the invitation to work in advertising. One of the most successful advertising campaigns focused on automobiles Citroen. After two years of work on television was in the soap opera «CentoVetrine». In January 2004, Ventura starts work on the weekly programme «Cine Sky News», and becoming the face of the company's clothes «Denny Rose». In 2006, its popularity peaked in Italy - to TV programs. Alessia leads In 2010, becoming the face of sports program «Controcampo».
Young people sometime after exploring concealed its relationship, and at the end of 2008, boldly declared that they meet. Figures then told reporters that the first truly fell in love. He admitted that the - woman of his dreams, Alessia, have all that he wanted to see his wife, and that means it's time to get married. Career 34-year-old athlete is brilliantly, but the football age short, and soon the Figures will have to think about changing your Inzaghi activity. Marriage to him would be very handy. The more a girl that dreams of a large part of the male population. By Alessia Ventura not only model, it is also a great dancer, and a successful television presenter. 
Relations and Alessia a long time Fillipo were very strong, even in spite of the fact that the athlete has changed to his girlfriend. It was rumoured that young people are going to get married. While the former girl Marika Frušo, Figures revealed the press that after parting footballer has her hospitality. Aware that this statement has become a pretext to Alessia severed relations with her fiancé.

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